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Pro Se Upload Tool for Self-Represented Individuals Only

Unrepresented individuals may use this program to upload important case documents as an alternative to mailing or bringing the documents to the courthouse.

This program is not to be used by attorneys.

  • All documents must be in portable document format (PDF) using Adobe Acrobat or a similar product.
  • Submissions will be reviewed for filing on the Court's electronic filing system.
  • Once you have submitted your document(s), you will see a confirmation screen indicating that your submission was successful. There will be a delay in entering your document(s) on the Court's electronic filing system, particularly when submitted after hours, on weekends, and holidays.
  • If your filing involves a pending deadline, upload your document(s) at least 48 hours prior to the deadline to facilitate timely review.
  • If filing fees are due, you must contact the Clerk's Office at 787-977-6000 to arrange immediate payment. Click here for the list of fees due for filing documents.

Important! Do not upload a proof of claim on this page. Please use the Electronic Proof of Claim (ePOC) application.

Upload all schedules as one PDF attachment. PDFs must be saved using "Print as PDF" before submitting to the court.
Files must be less than 20 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
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