ePOC Filing Guide
English | Español
- ePOC systems is an additional service for filing claims electronically provided by the court. USERS with login and password to CM/ECF can continue to file claims using your limited access creditor account. Also, if you want to request a limited user (creditor) account, you can do so at the Programs & Services Tab in our main page or by clicking the following link:
- A proof of claim may be filed electronically using the electronic proof of claim form link below. If you are filing a proof of claim electronically for the first time, please read all information provided below BEFORE attempting to file your proof of claim using this link.
- This service is provided as an alternative filing option for those parties not eligible to register for CM/ECF who previously had to file their proofs of claim conventionally (in paper) with the court. It may also be used by CM/ECF Registrants.
- A claim filed electronically on this court’s website will constitute the filer’s approved signature and have the same force and effect as if the filer signed a paper copy of the document. Documents required to be verified or contain an unsworn declaration that are filed electronically will be treated, for all purposes (both civil and criminal, including penalties for perjury), the same as if signed or subscribed.
- Certain personal information must be removed from all documents before electronically submitting the proof of claim form. See the notice below.
IMPORTANT NOTICE OF REDACTION RESPONSIBILITY: All filers must redact: Social Security or taxpayer-identification numbers; dates of birth; names of minor children; and financial account numbers, in compliance with Bankruptcy Rule 9037. This requirement applies to all documents, including attachments.